PRYSE Academy
PRYSE Academy is a university-based, 5-week summer program for 100 immigrant and refugee youth in grades 6-12. Through arts-centric curricula, sports, creative expression workshops, and engaging field trips, PRYSE is proven to help participants develop literacy and leadership skills, build personal confidence, and deepen youth’s sense of belonging.
After School Club
The After School Club is a university-based, bi-weekly program during the school year serving 30 immigrant and refugee students in grades 9-12. Students are provided with individualized academic support and activities are geared toward community building and raising students’ awareness about leadership and post-secondary opportunities.
Girls Art and Maker Group
Girls Art and Maker Group is an arts-based program for immigrant teen women and femmes in grades 6-12. Participants meet twice per month to develop friendships, engage in art-making workshops, gain mentorship from peers and caring adult facilitators, and identify strategies for managing stress and opportunities to overcome barriers to achieving success.
Post-Secondary Support
Post-Secondary Support works with current ARYSE students from 11th grade through early adulthood to help them envision, pursue, and achieve their educational and professional goals following high school. Through partnerships with local colleges, trade schools, and other programs, ARYSE advocates for a post-secondary landscape where forcibly displaced youth feel they can belong, thrive, and make an impact.
Individuals, agencies, school districts, and other relevant stakeholders can refer youth with immigrant and refugee backgrounds to one or more programs. When students are referred to ARYSE, a staff person will contact the student(s), family, and/or referral source within 2 weeks to gather more information and evaluate eligibility for the program(s).
Please note that referring a student may not result in enrollment due to capacity limitations. In these situations, ARYSE will do its best to identify other resources internally or externally to respond to the student(s) needs.